Thursday, October 27, 2011

Close Reading

In the music videos by Kid Cudi the song “Pursuit of Happiness” entwines the audience’s emotions within its tone, imagery and voice that resonates throughout the song. A somber feeling of contentment and a longing for happiness develops as the song progresses and one lyric in particular conveys a message that seems to be common in popular culture. Cudi’s outlook on life becomes apparent in the lyrics, “If I fall, if I die, I know I lived it to the fullest. If I fall, if I die, I know I lived it missing bullets.” The two lines express a rebellious attitude and determination to pursue what he wants despite cultural norms that establish right from wrong. Within these lyrics Kid Cudi shows a realization of the fact that his lifestyle has risks. He parties, drinks, smokes and wouldn’t exactly qualify for perfect role model status. However, he understands this and although people in his life have tried to shoot down his socially unacceptable lifestyle, he remains true to himself and is willing to accept the consequences that might follow. This realization comes through with a somber tone. The thought of falling or death seems to haunt him as he searches to find what truly makes him happy. Death seems to go hand in hand with a carpe diem mentality because if one treats every day like it is their last then life takes on a level of finality. The repetition of the first half of the lyric may suggest that his attempt to, “live his life to the fullest” and be-all-he-can-be, may take more than one try. This would fit with the idea of being in “pursuit of happiness” instead of simply “happiness.” In conclusion, this lyric shows a rebellious nature that is popular in modern society and a realization that life should be lived to the fullest regardless of the social implications or risks; or in Shakespeare’s words, “above all else, to thine own self be true.”

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Quote By Albert Einstein

There are college students today who overlook the extraordinary opportunity they have been given by being able to attend higher education. As tuition costs continue to rise and the economy continues to struggle, attending college is a privilege that only a select few will be able to experience.  With that being said, that privilege comes with immense responsibility and expectations that not all teenagers share. This opportunity can either be squandered or embraced. There are numerous students that will never make it through college and others who simply decide that the student life is not for them. However, the ones that endure separate themselves from the rest. So what makes it worth it? There are hundreds of various reasons on why students make it through college, but one very common reason in particular stands out, these are the students who are motivated only by money. The students who seek to be as financially successful regardless of the cost are the ones who should reflect on the opportunity they’ve been given. These students should “try not to become men (and women) of success but men (and women) of value.” One who wishes to be financially successful looks for only personal gain. Success implies fame, fortune and status. However, value carries a different meaning entirely. To be of value can also mean wealthy, yet it holds a deeper connotation. Value implies one who upholds moral character and someone who is worth more than their paycheck. A person of value understands that success is not only rewarded financially but there is something to be learned along the way. Those who bring meaning to work are valuable and only then can they truly be successful. Thus, students should be advised. Those who strive for personal gain should be reminded of the opportunity they have been given. They should not only seek to be successful but also seek to make a difference and strive to bring value to society.

 Quote By Albert Einstein

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Reverse Chronology

He pulled the knife out of his stomach and concealed it within his cloak. Trent had been anticipating this moment ever since he knew the truth. He grabbed the man he was standing over and fiercely dragged him to his feet. The man was Charles, his neighbor. Trent started screaming at him. Yelling everything that came to his head, “I thought I could trust you!” The conversation ended abruptly. He quickly ran away from Charles and got back into his car. He drove around the corner just out of sight. He could see the front door to his house from where he was parked but he was sure no one could see him. Charles left Trent’s house and walked over into his. This is exactly what he was afraid of. Trent sat in his car for about an hour but it seemed like three to him. At first, Trent could barely control his rage. His hands began to ache from unknowingly clenching the wheel so tightly. It was as if he was attempting to strangle it his car to death. His imagination ran wild and he couldn’t believe it had come to this. His anger seemed to slowly be subsiding and transformed into disbelief and eventually denial. Trent doubted the entire situation. He knew Charles and never thought his wife would betray him like this. Yet, his suspicions still seemed to be pricking his mind as he started his car and drove back to work.  When he got to his office he logged onto his computer and for some reason he decided to check his home security cameras. To his surprise he saw his wife in the bedroom wearing an insufficient amount of clothing for anything but sleep. This struck him as odd considering she was suppose to be at work.