Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Thoughts About Revision

As of now, I am considering revising my first paper. Throughout this course I feel that I have learned some valuable writing lessons. Assuming that the first paper is the weakest, I would like to return to it and apply some of these new skills. In addition, the topic of the first paper was one that evoked the most emotion for me during the writing process. The topic was about a memorable encounter and the one I chose still comes up in conversation between my friend and I today. However, the difficulty with revising this paper, or any paper, is that I don’t want alter the content that positively contributes to the story. I predominantly used flashbacks and they are essential to the story. Therefore, when going through the essay I will have to be sure not to change things just for revision’s sake. The only other essay I might consider revising is the most recent essay. I enjoy argumentative writing but I have tendency to moralize my arguments and this detracts from the effectiveness of the paper. This would be something that I could revise and change so that my arguments are solid. The grade I receive on my final paper will also be a determining factor in this decision. I want to revise a paper that I feel confident on. This is partially the reason why the second, and especially the third paper, are not as viable candidates for revision. The first paper is definitely the frontrunner as of now and unless I encounter an unforeseen obstacle, I am quite certain that I will revise it. 

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